The Chat Shack

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Panda-monium At The Corner Café

Yes, the pandas have taken over the Corner Café, but they are friendly souls.
We have the panda bear (which is a bear) also known as the great panda, and its very distant relative, the red panda or lesser panda (which is more closely related to weasels and ferrets!!).
Both are very unmistakable in their appearance!!

But the two animals known as pandas have things in common. Both live almost exclusively on bamboo and have developed a false thumb to help them grip the stalks.
Giant pandas will eat up to 20kg of bamboo a day while red pandas only consume 2-3kg along with some insects and fruit.

Sadly, both animals are threatened by human impacts on their natural environments. Deforestation is the major threat to these species, as well as being poached for the illegal wildlife trade. As a result, Red Pandas are classified as ‘Endangered’ and Giant Pandas as ‘Vulnerable’ by the IUCN Red List.

Giant pandas are the mascot of the World Wildlife Fund and a international symbol of China, but above all, pandas of both species are incredibly cute and playful!!
They love toys like balls and rocking horses, playing on climbing frames, and sliding down slides!!

So, today, let’s celebrate all that is playful and cute about these wonderful creatures by sharing all things panda!!

All are welcome.
And please feel free to share all discussions you enjoy.