🐰 Happy Easter 🐰
Well, I am not sure where this year has gone, but all of a sudden it's Good Friday, and the start of the Easter Weekend.
Easter is also called Pascha and is the most important weekend of the Christan year because of its religious connections.
Good Friday is a Bank Holiday over here in the UK, and is basically a religious day in the Christian Calendar.
Easter Saturday or Holy Saturday follows the events of Good Friday and is also known as Easter Eve, Easter Even, or Black Saturday.
Easter Sunday is Easter egg day, and one we all look forward to as well, again a religious day in the Christian Calendar.
Easter Monday is a Bank Holiday over here. Years ago, it was celebrated as Easter Week in many places but in the 19th century, it was reduced to a one-day celebration. In a lot of countries, it is known as "Little Easter" and the Catholic Church call it "Monday of the Angel"
Who doesn’t like a nice hot cross bun
To those that don't attend church, Easter is a time of good food and fun. Friday obviously is a fish day as the main meal, and of course, the one day in the year that it is fine to eat Hot Cross Buns, although available all year, it does spoil it to my mind. They are a treat for Good Friday.
Simnel cake, a traditional Easter Cake, has been eaten since medieval times as a sweet and a symbolic ritual. The cake is topped with 11 marzipan balls, to represent the 11 apostles of Christ minus Judas. The cake is an Easter classic but is also associated with Mother Day.
Looks gorgeous
Easter Sunday is traditionally lamb as a main meal, not forgetting the Easter eggs consumed as well ! We all loved the Easter Bunny and a good egg hunt as a child, shame we had to grow up. Easter eggs are still great fun though, although not generally value for money.
I don’t know anybody that doesn’t love these
Of course, you can eat what you like as a main meal, who needs to be traditional, but it is nice to have a special meal on Easter Sunday I think, not only to celebrate Easter but it is the first bank holiday weekend of the year.
Let us know what you will be eating over the holiday weekend, and if you are doing anything interesting.
A lot of people go away for Easter, which is nice but not sure about that with the problems around in this day and age.
Whatever you do have a Happy Easter, and I will be quite happy to receive Easter Eggs on Sunday !!
All are welcome.
And please feel free to share all discussions you enjoy.