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UK Nesting Season Is Well Underway

UK Nesting Season Is Well Underway

Robert Fuller - a very talented wildlife artist - has some fantastic videos and live streams on his YouTube channel of wildlife in his area of Yorkshire.

These kestrels had a dramatic start to their breeding attempt this year.

Copyright © Robert E Fuller

But the eggs survived the many threats, and here are a couple of live streams showing their chicks being fed and raised, as well as the nests of various owls.
Pop back now and again to see what is happening everywhere!! 😁

Copyright © Robert E Fuller

Copyright © Robert E Fuller

Please visits Robert’s YouTube channel for more fascinating videos and why not subscribe to get news of new ones uploaded: Robert E. Fuller YouTube Channel

Also, please visit his website to see some incredible and beautiful wildlife artwork, which is all available to buy in many different forms: Robert E. Fuller Wildlife Art Website

The Complete Disaster That Is Industrial Whaling

The Complete Disaster That Is Industrial Whaling

