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What's Your Favourite Music?

What's Your Favourite Music?

There are so many different styles and types of music around today, it is very difficult to pick a favourite genre of music, and even if you can, trying to make a favourites list out of that is still quite a task.

I think what music you like really depends on your mood at the time. Sometimes you want nice quiet soothing music and others loud rock. Music can also bring out a lot of emotions, some music has sad memories while other types make you happy.

I like all sorts of music, but I have to say my favourite era is the 1950's/60's. So many good groups and good music from there that are still played and loved by most today. Something that won't be said about the modern so called music of today. The 1970' and 80's were also good in a different sort of way, but after that it generally went down hill, and what is classed today as music, well, most of them can't even sing.

Of course way back in the 60's there were some great music programmes on television as well Six Five Special, Top of the Tops, Juke Box Jury and The Old Grey Whistle Test to name a few.

I think we can all recognise these classic Album Covers from the 60’s and 70’s

Ok, let us have your thoughts, likes and dislikes of music, and what you listen to the most.

Please also post some of your favourite music of all time.

And of course one song that says it all really.

All are welcome.
And please feel free to share all discussions you enjoy.

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