What's For Dinner Tonight
Ok, we all have to eat, so what do we eat, or more to the fact, what do we cook for our evening meal? Do we cook because we have to, or do we cook cos we love cooking and like good food, not the rubbish ready meals you can buy in the shops?
The choice of what to cook is endless. If you eat lunch, you probably won't want a meal as such in the evening, but just something light like an omelette or a homemade soup. Homemade soups are quick and easy and beat shop-bought ones any time.
Lovely homemade soup.
Which actually in Taff’s case isn’t true. He is a good cook.
For those of us that have our main meal in the evening, the choice of what to have is limitless. Ok in the summer, it is obviously salads with something light to go with it, but in the winter, there are casseroles, done in a slow cooker, pies, meat and fish pies, sausages, which can be used in many different ways, curry, pasta dishes etc. and of course, a nice roast dinner on a Sunday cooked to perfection.
Who could resist that crackling? Perfection!
When you cook do you make all your own sauces, or do you cheat and use a tin for a curry or as a pasta-based dish. You can get most things in a tin now, even veg. Let's face it, if you are lazy and don't want to cook you can still eat a meal of sorts from what you can buy, peeled potatoes, packet potatoes, tinned veg and things like tinned meatballs if you don't mind what you eat. Or do you live on takeaways? We have the odd Chinese takeaway, cos where we live we are a bit short on takeaway places!
That would have been the case with my Dad. Bless him
Taff does all our cooking. I can cook, but I don't enjoy it but even so, I would not live off the rubbish you buy in the shops that they call meals, and I know Taff wouldn't accept that either.
Home-cooked food is more nutritious and better for you and by far a lot tastier, also if homegrown you know what has been sprayed on it, if anything, unlike what you get in the shops.
Do you plan your meals or is it a case of open the fridge and see what is there? I have to plan ours 2 weeks ahead as we only shop every 2 weeks but it works fine, and we can swap things around anyway
So what's for tea tonight, what delights are you cooking for yourself? Please let us know and maybe if it is a short recipe that would be good to see as well.
All are welcome.
And please feel free to share all discussions you enjoy.