Welcome to Mario Day
Well, we all know who Mario is and a lot of us will have played his games to death in the 1980's/90's. It was one of the games of the time, and everybody loved it.
Mario was first introduced in the game Donkey Kong and was not the plumber that we know and love. His name was Mr Jumpman and he was a carpenter.
In 1983, Mario was the star of his own game Super Mario Brothers and became the plumber we all know nowadays. Some of the games he has been in have sold over 262 million copies worldwide and it is the most successful video game series ever.
Mario Kart - I was never any good at this one at all!
There have been a few games released later but to my mind they aren't so good. You can play it on the computer, but not the safe effect. You need a Nintendo games machines and their game controller to really play the game properly. The newer games are better graphics and more movement options, but I would rather stick with the original Super Mario Brothers. He and his brothers have certainly made a lasting impression on the games industry.
Well, the best way to celebrate this day is, if you still have one, dig out your Nintendo Games Machine and your Super Marion Brothers game and get playing. See how good you are now.
I do wish I had kept mine and my Mega Drive
Have a Mario themed party and dress in that iconic red and blue outfit, or even another character from the game.
Some treats for the party, which sound good to me Some treats for the party could be Peanut Butter Star Sandwiches, as the game is based on star collecting.
1up Mushroom Burgers.
Flower Power Veggie Platter
However you celebrate it, if you do, just think your life would never have been the same if you hadn't spent all those hours playing Super Mario Brothers. He has a lot to answer for!!
A Fun Fact is that Mario's character is said to be named after the first businessman who rented space to the Nintendo Company, Mario Segale.
Ok, let's have some fun and some memories of your game playing.
Did you like Mario? Were you any good at it? And have you played it recently?
Let's have your thoughts, pics and gifs
All are welcome.
And please feel free to share all discussions you enjoy.