The Chat Shack

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📺 Television Then and Now 📺

We all own a television, that box that sits in the corner of your lounge and gives you 24 hours entertainment, or does it?

Televisions have changed over the years, in style and quality. The originals had tubes in the back of them and were very heavy. Now with flatscreen televisions, there is no tube and they are as light as a feather and the picture quality is a lot better, but we won’t talk about the sound unless you run it through a stereo or buy a sound bar

Today, there are countless tv programme suppliers: Sky, Amazon, Virgin, Netflicks, and Freeview to name a few. Most show repeats, and generally rubbish, but they call it entertainment and expensive entertainment at that.

My Parents had a television in about 1953 and it was a piece of furniture in those days with very limited broadcasting and channels and it was black and white. In fact, in the early fifties, there was one channel the BBC. ITV was launched in 1955 followed by BBC2 in 1964 and the rest as they say is history.
I remember the indoor aerials that were available and you had to get up every 10 mins to move them to get a decent pic. I was lucky we had an outdoor aerial. There was no remote control. You got up from your chair to change the channel or turn it off, or even turn it up or down.

We don't have Sky or any of the others apart from Freeview. We struggle to find much to watch on what we have, and tend to watch nature programmes, dramas and good films and some quiz shows. Reality TV and soaps are a definite no-no.

Well, what do you watch on telly and how much telly do you watch?
Ours doesn't go on in the day, and gets watched for about an hour in the evening. That is more than enough.

Ok, let’s have your thoughts on the goggle box, what you watch and for how long, and could you live without it.

All are welcome.
And please feel free to share all discussions you enjoy.