Spring Has Sprung At The Corner Café
Hello and welcome to the Spring Equinox and the first day of Spring.
The Spring or Vernal Equinox this year is on 20th March. It marks the day when day and night are the same lengths and the word equinox in Latin means equal night.
The day and night are equal.
With the spring equinox comes the change of seasons and goodbye winter !! The days start to get longer and the nights shorter. Yay!!
In the Southern Hemisphere, it depicts the changing of their seasons from summer to autumn.
It doesn’t always fall on the same day. It can happen on either the 19th, 20th or 21st March depending on the Earth’s orbit around the sun, which is on an elliptical path. The equinox is the point in time when the sun crosses the equator. In the Northern hemisphere, we celebrate today as a time of rebirth. Things start to come to life and the weather improves and all in all, life is better !! The gardens start coming to life, birds start nesting and the butterflies and bees start to appear and the migrating birds start to return.
With the onset of spring comes forth the spring flowers. A welcome sight indeed!
Cherry blossom, which apparently is very unlucky to bring into the house.
The crocus comes in a range of colours and is a very pretty flower indeed.
Tulips make great cut flowers and are available in a range of lovely colours.
Not forgetting the cheerful daffodil.
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