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Sonic the Hedgehog

Sonic the Hedgehog is a Japanese video game and media franchise created and owned by Sega. He is a little blue hedgehog who, together with friends, battles with a mad scientist

The main Sonic games are platform games with some puzzle solving and most of us will have played them when they first appeared in 1991.

In those days, there were two main games machines, and depending on what you wanted to play resulted in the machine you bought. Ok some of us had both, so had the best of both worlds.

The game was developed first for the Sega Genesis to compete with the rival Mario on the Nintendo. The success of Sonic and the spin off's like Mario Kart, sports games, fighting and party ones helped Sega to become one of the leading video game companies .

After Sonic the Hedgehog, there were Sonic 2 and 3 and Sonic Spinball, but there were a lot brought out after those, but none as good as the first two I don't think. He got into so many adventures and scrapes and you just had to save this lovable blue hedgehog. You could spend hours of fun playing this great game

You can still get Sonic games, or download them onto your tablet or computer, but they aren't as good, you need the proper Megadrive and the game pad to play it with. I do wish I had kept mine.

So let's have some sonic fun and laughs, and please post any gifs, etc. etc. to do with Sonic, or his mates, and let us have any memories you have of this wonderful creature and if you still play it.

All are welcome.
And please feel free to share all discussions you enjoy.