The Chat Shack

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Socks Away

We all end up with odd socks, but what happens to them from the time you take them off your feet, put them in the laundry basket, wash and dry them and then sort the washing only to find you have at least one sock missing?
Maybe in the washer or tumbler, there is a hidden sock monster that eats socks! Whatever the reason we tend to end up with a pile of odd socks.

I don't chuck them, to be honest - if they are the same colour, they do as a pair to be worn till sadly one goes missing, and then the other one has to find a new partner again.

As far back as the 8th century, socks were made of matted animal hair and were called Piloi. It is possible that the animals whose hair was used were jealous of how nice their old hair looked being worn by humans as socks, and came and stole them back overnight.
It was about 1000 years later that the Romans used woven fabric to cover their feet, but it seemed that when they were taken down to the river to wash, along with other clothing, one managed to escape. So missing socks is definitely not a new thing.

Unfortunately, you can't just wear one sock - it would look stupid, and one foot would be frozen while the other would laugh and say phew I'm so hot!

They do say that if you want to sleep well, wear a pair of socks in bed. Socks encourage a healthy blood flow to your feet and help keep you asleep (note to self, must try that one !) And it ensures that the night sock monster doesn’t come and nick one!

There are childrens books about lost socks, and also comics have had sock monsters eating, hording or even wearing all the lost socks of the world, so it seems that the sock monster and odd socks is an everyday thing in life.

You could try buying all the same coloured socks, so it wouldn't matter if the sock monster gets one of them.

So please come up with some daft ideas as to what happens to your socks when they go through the washing/drying process. Or even how to tame the sock monster himself.

All are welcome.
And please feel free to share all discussions you enjoy.