Read All About It At The Corner Café
I guess, due to world events, we have probably done a lot more reading of late, whether that’s fiction, non-fiction, or the strange combination of the two known as newspapers!! 😁
I am sure we can all remember the magic that books of all kinds brought to our childhood. So many great storylines to fire our imaginations and so many colourful characters living within the pages of a book.
And there are so many different types of books: non-fiction, and the heavier reference books and technical manuals, through the lighter side of so many different genres of fiction, to the creative art of poetry.
Humans have for centuries recorded so much information in one written form or another so that this knowledge could be shared and passed on to future generations.
The Tree Of Knowledge, which so many books have created over the centuries.
Of course, books aren’t just made of paper these days. We have devices such as the Kindle or a computer to read a whole library of books in digital form. We also have audiobooks and talking newspapers, which are especially good for those with vision impairment or for people who just enjoying having a story read to them.
J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit is one of my all-time favourite books and I read that countless times both as a child and as a teenager, when I also discovered his epic trilogy, The Lord Of The Rings.
Those magical books just blew my mind as a child and I never tire of reading them.
What is your favourite method of reading - a physical book or newspaper, a Kindle-type device, your computer, or an audiobook?
Do you have an all-time favourite book or an author whose books you seek out?
Is there a particular genre you like to read?
Or is there a character or a line from a book that has stuck with you over the years?
Please share anything you want about books, newspapers, or reading of any kind.
All are welcome. And please feel free to recommend and share all discussions you enjoy.
There is no obligation to follow any of our informal themes. They are simply for fun. This is an open topic chat thread, so please just post or talk about anything you like!