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National Dance Day

National Dance Day

Well, today is National Dance Day! Any excuse for a boogie!
Now, dancing is something we have all done in the past and some of us even bop around now to the right music.
The history of dance goes back a long long way. I have done the history of it before, so I am not going to do that again. More the fun side of it and the dances we know. So as the saying goes “Let’s Dance”!


The big decade for the introduction of well known dances was the 1920's . Dances like the Charleston and the Black Bottom.

There are so many different forms of dancing but we are going to look at some of the dances from our era.

Dancing is a great way to help your emotional and mental health. It helps to release tension, build muscles and puts you in a better mood, and is good exercise as well.

The 1950’s and 1960's were a great era for dancing, with shows on the tele like Top of the Pops where you had groups like Pans People dancing their routine, as well as the audience there having to join in with the music and dance. There were dances, like the twist, the Locomotion the Maddison and the Mashed Potato to name just a few.

The Tiwst.gif
The Mashed Potato

The Mashed Potato

The Maddison

The Maddison


The 1970s had their place with famous dances as well: Disco, Line Dancing, The YMCA, and The Hully Gully amongst others.

After that, it just seemed to be a free for all, with nothing really famous.

YMCA Dance

YMCA Dance

The famous Line Dancing

The famous Line Dancing

Dancing is fun. We do it from a young age and some kids are very good at it, as are some animals.

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Think Kieran may be missing a tutu 😁😁

Think Kieran may be missing a tutu 😁😁

Let's have your thoughts on dancing.
Do you still get up and have a dance around to the right song? I know I do.
What sort of dancing did you do or like?
I did ballroom as a child and wasn't bad at it, I can still do a bit of the ballroom jive, and not to mention the twist, but not like I used to.


All are welcome.
And please feel free to share all discussions you enjoy.

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