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It's National Wildlife Day

Today is National Wildlife Day.
Sadly more and more of our wildlife are facing extinction due to man's activities such as pollution and destruction of habitat, removing their supply of food and shelter.
Fortunately, zoos and sanctuaries are helping but for some, it is far too late.

These poor animals have no voice of their own and they are being thrown out of the only life they know without a thought for their wellbeing. They are basically left to die.

The list on these 3 pics is worrying and those are but a few.

More and more species are facing extinction every day and unless we do something NOW the only place you will see things like Elephants and Tigers are in a zoo. Your kids and grandkids wont have the pleasure of seeing them in their rightful habitat. It is our responsibility not to let it happen, we owe it to the animals and to the future generations .

One of my favourite animals and much misunderstood. We are taught to be afraid of the big bad Wolf. They, like most animals, hunt for food, not for pleasure, We are the only ones that do that.

These look so cute, but believe me they can be very nasty and evil

Most of you will have one or more of these in your garden

Some of you are lucky enough to get these in your garden

A magnificent species, let’s make sure they stay around

Fortunately, there are ways we can help support these animals and today is a good excuse to do it. Most places have animal sanctuaries nearby so go visit them, and buy something or leave a donation, however small it will all help. Just walk around and fuss the animals or talk to them, it makes so much difference.

You can also volunteer to help out at these places, either in the gift shop or just generally help to look after the animals there.

Whatever you do, please don't ignore the plight of so many of our endangered animals, cos very soon it will be too late. Another place to donate is WWF, they do a lot of good work with wild animals and nature

All are welcome.
And please feel free to share all discussions you enjoy.