The Chat Shack

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It's Magic!!

I, like most people, enjoy watching a really good magician or conjuror performing great illusions or card tricks. Often the simpler they are, the more impressive they are!!
I like to try to work out how it's done and rarely succeed!!πŸ˜‚

But there are other types of magic, including ceremonial or ritual magic, and supernatural magic, where the belief is in magical beings or forces that can be influenced to give aid. Both are often referred to as magick.
And magic can be further split into white magic (good, harmless, or selfless magic), black magic (evil, harmful, or selfish magic) and grey magic, which is generally neutral.

Ritual magic typically involves spellbooks, magic formulae, and magical clothing, weapons or tools. So keep those wands, dusty tomes, staffs, and amulets handy!!

And of course, we all know about wicked witches and good fairies - plenty of both to be found on Disqus after all!! 😁

And there are other magical creatures and also magical places . . .

And the magic of a fairy tale or in the plot of a good fictional story: wizards of the non-wordy kind!! 😁

So, let’s spend today sharing the fun side of all things magical, be they pictures, gifs, memes, or music!!

All are welcome.
And please feel free to share all discussions you enjoy.