Happy Birthday Kieran
Ok folks, it’s another special day today. We are going to celebrate our Major Mod's birthday in the only way we can by having fun.
She had to be here, she said
And these two did not intend being left out of things !
Kieran launched the Corner Cafe nearly 4 years ago, and because of him, it has gone from strength to strength and we have what it is today. In all this time, he has never had a day off, so Kieran take your Mod hat off and listen. It’s your birthday, have the day off !
Cook us all a meal.
You may want to do some gardening.
Or even sleep in readiness for the party later on.
And a cake especially chosen !!
Whatever you choose to do today, make it fun and have a relaxing day. Just be ready for your party later on.
Ok, we will finish in the usual ceremonial way. It’s not up to your standard, I’m afraid, but I think you will appreciate it !!
Ode to an Appalling Mod !
Today it is a special day
On which we would all like to say
Thank you Kieran in our own special way.
He mods from dawn to dusk
and never makes a fuss.
He's kind and fair as Mods should be
And does it all without a fee.
So let’s all raise a glass and say
Happy Birthday and
have a great day!