Father’s Day at The Corner Café
The origin of Father's Day goes back to 1910 and to Washington and was first celebrated on 19th June 1910 by Sonora Smart Dodd. Her father was a single parent who raised his six children as his Wife died in childbirth. He was a Civil war veteran and originally she wanted Father's Day to be 5th June in honour of his birthday.
Today is Father's Day. I know that generally none of our regular posters still have their fathers and I also know that some didn’t have the best of relationship with theirs, but I do regret losing my Dad. I was his little girl, and I still miss him 30 years later. There was nothing my father couldn't do, or so I believed, and he was a loving and caring father and husband. I have never known a couple so happy as they were.
This is oh so true!!
It is always celebrated on the third Sunday of June and many people make an effort to visit their fathers or sent them a card or gift.
This made me laugh
Oh, very true indeed!!
Well, I for one will be raising a glass to my Dad and saying thanks Dad. So, I will say to all fathers, including animal dads, cos there are a few :
All are welcome. And please feel free to recommend and share all discussions you enjoy.
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