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🛍️ Buy Nothing Day 🛍️

Ok, how many of us can go a day without buying anything at all? When was the last time you did that?
Believe me, it is quite easily possible to buy nothing for 24 hours or even longer. That does include online or from any catalogue etc.

There is an official Buy Nothing for a Day day but that is later in the year, so let's make today that day and see how we get on.

We all have this idea we "need this" but we don't actually. We don't need to have the latest thing that has just come out or go and buy the latest book. If you wait you always get things a lot cheaper once the novelty has worn off with people

We all waste money, some more than others, but if we stopped and thought yes I like that but do I really need it and will I use it, a lot of buying would be reduced.
The thought of buying nothing for 24 hours is only the start and with a bit of willpower, you will start to spend less, consume less and produce less waste.
Some would say ok fine I will buy more tomorrow, but that is not the object of the exercise. It's seeing what willpower you have, and yes, it is quite a challenge to some, I don't doubt, but it can make you stop and think, do I need that?
Generally, the answer is no.

The amount of food wasted is mind-blowing. There are people starving in the world and things get thrown out cos they are past their stupid use by date. Most stuff keeps for ages after that. To me, you look at it, smell it and have a little taste, making sure there is no mould on it, and if it passes all those you use it, not waste it.
Also, think of the money you would save.

Well, try it and see, and that means buying absolutely nothing whatsoever. Please let us know how you get on, and if you manage for a day try for 2 days then 3 etc.
I go shopping once every two weeks, and the rest I buy is basic necessities ie if I run out of milk. It is easy, honestly, so go for it.
I do treat myself but do stop and think do I want it, will I wear it, always a good exercise and most importantly, can I afford it?
Nothing is worth going into debt for, and that includes credit cards!

If you try it, make it fun, and set a target for a reward, maybe go for week, then treat yourself to something that you need but is worth waiting for.

All are welcome.
And please feel free to share all discussions you enjoy.