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Animal Antics

Animal Antics

Most of us have had pets at some point or still have pets, and we all know how much fun and mischief they can get up to.
We know about animals in the wild resting and enjoying themselves but do we know how much fun and antics they can actually get up to and enjoy?

Animals even like a good old workout to keep fit !

Animals even like a good old workout to keep fit !


We are going to have a look at some of the sports animals get involved in and enjoy doing, plus some things you would never imagine an animal doing, like a Giraffe heading a football to his pals! Or a squirrel water skiing and a dog skate boarding!

First of all, animals like to look after themselves and keep fit. Ok, there are a few exceptions who think that a treadmill is for sleeping, but generally, they seem to have fun.

Cockatoo on Treadmill

Cockatoo on Treadmill

Dogs do enjoy a keep fit class

Dogs do enjoy a keep fit class

Red Panda showing what he can do

Red Panda showing what he can do

Dogs playing Tetherball

Dogs playing Tetherball

Just to show cats can do it as well

Just to show cats can do it as well

Anything my owner can do, I can do better!

Then there are the animals that love sport.

Goldfish paying football !

Goldfish paying football !

Anybody for table tennis?

Anybody for table tennis?

Ball heading Giraffes

Ball heading Giraffes

Hedgehog playing football

Hedgehog playing football

He can do that better than me

He can do that better than me

The Otter is enjoying that

The Otter is enjoying that

Fight Fight

Fight Fight

Surfing Dogs and don’t they love it

Surfing Dogs and don’t they love it

And a water skiing Squirrel

And a water skiing Squirrel

Dogs play hockey?????

Dogs play hockey?????


Animals to an extent are like us, they love to play and quite often they will amuse themselves or play amongst themselves without any human intervention at all. All they need is a playmate to cause chaos and have fun with, so maybe those that have pets should consider getting another one for the company and to play with your existing one.

These pictures and gifs just go to prove that animals do know how to have fun.


All are welcome.
And please feel free to share all discussions you enjoy.

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